Thursday, January 31, 2008

Second practice of the season - Saturday

We had a great group of people turn out - enough to have 5 on 5 with full-time goalies! I think we worked out some of our game-time jitters, including shooting, passing, and having the confidence on the ice to keep the ball and pass it when the opportunity arises, versus just whacking it down the ice.

Great to see everyone, and below you can find the link to the rest of the pics I took that day!

See you tomorrow!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Game 4 - On our heels with amoeba o & d

This wasn't one of our prettier games in recent years. We started the game with some challenged defense, little offense, and felt like we played a fair portion of the game on our heels. (.....ummm, you got, you got, you got it.....). I don't think they scored on that one, but as we can see, it wasn't too pretty.

I think our amoeba offense and amoeba defense (see above) didn't help the situation, but in all fairness to the team, I think all of our opponents had at least several years of hockey (or professional broomball) under their belts. Excellent passing and laser shooting gave them a distinct advantage, overall, in this game.

We did have some very bright notes in the game, despite the score. Kate stepped up to the ice (as it were) attempting to fill the very large shoes of Pete as our goalie. Reasoning was to try to even up the match with 4 men and 3 women running up and down the ice at the same time. I can't say that our new offensive/defensive strategy worked all that well this week, but again, they were a pretty good team. We'll try it again next week, hoping for a better outcome.

And the shining star this week was Emily Smith! She hustled, was aggressive around our opponents goal and attacked the ball wherever it was on the ice. Way to go Emily!

"Where am I? One minute I was sleeping, and the next minute I find myslef in this red plastic tub...what the hell!?"

"If only I could wrap my mouth around this seems too big...but I'm gonna try to do it anyway, and when I get it, I'm gonna squeeze the living daylights out of it....or I could just take a nap...either would be fine with me!"

"If we're not in DisneyWorld, I'm gonna be pissed..."

Until next week.....ciao.....

Friday, January 25, 2008

Game 3 - Forfeit (by the other team)

Friday afternoon is usually time for least that's what most people I know think. But the approach of this weekend left several things to be desired.
The first: sub-zero temperatures, AS THE HIGH! Second: our opposing team could not get enough people to play against us on Sunday (maybe a blessing in disguise, given the sub-zero temperatures). Third: I ended up with an abscess tooth, an infection, and ultimately a root canal. And despite having antibiotics and Vicodin, I was in pain (and out of commission nearly all weekend).

So instead of venturing outside on the ice, several ventured to Buster's. (disclosure - pictures are from the previous week's loss, post-bar excursion...but fun to see nonetheless).

Until next week, where the weather looks much, much friendlier to anything with a pulse...and exposed skin...

...yes Jane...I said the weather looks warmer this weekend...really!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Game 2 - Our first loss of the season

After receiving a stellar pep-talk from Captain Renz, people were ready to rock! (And it was pretty damn cold, so we wanted to start moving around as soon as possible).

The rink, and game, was much more normal than that of the previous week - which at the time seemed more like we were playing on an indoor gymnasium floor than a slab of outdoor ice. But this week, with a light dusting of snow here and there, the ice claimed a few people, taking unexpected dives right on their bums.

For a large portion of the game it seemed that we were unable to move the ball from our defensive zone to our offensive zone, and no matter which end of the rink we were on, the infamous "amoeba" playing seemed to be back...something we shall remedy next week.

I think despite the tragic outcome of the 2-0 loss, most everyone seemed to have some fun -- and almost everyone made it to Buster's!

Until next week...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

First practice of the season - Saturday

After our 1st win of the season, 3-1, we're still coping with the additional 2-players on the ice. Kate and John provided us with a brief analysis of last weeks game...

Those that could make it focused mainly on passing, shooting, and running with 3 forward players - to attack the goal. We'll see what tomorrow brings...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Absolut Broomball - 2007 Team Pics

Scenes from 2006 Absolut Broomball

Here's the team from 2 years ago. We ended up being our division CHAMPIONS!!!