Friday, January 25, 2008

Game 3 - Forfeit (by the other team)

Friday afternoon is usually time for least that's what most people I know think. But the approach of this weekend left several things to be desired.
The first: sub-zero temperatures, AS THE HIGH! Second: our opposing team could not get enough people to play against us on Sunday (maybe a blessing in disguise, given the sub-zero temperatures). Third: I ended up with an abscess tooth, an infection, and ultimately a root canal. And despite having antibiotics and Vicodin, I was in pain (and out of commission nearly all weekend).

So instead of venturing outside on the ice, several ventured to Buster's. (disclosure - pictures are from the previous week's loss, post-bar excursion...but fun to see nonetheless).

Until next week, where the weather looks much, much friendlier to anything with a pulse...and exposed skin...

...yes Jane...I said the weather looks warmer this weekend...really!

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