Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Game 5 - Hey, there's our referee!

With the score of 6 (we) to 3 (they) our referee decided to call it a day, and a game, without actually telling either team! Here's the last "referee sighting" of the afternoon.....what the hell dude?!

We had a great 1st half, giving our offense ample opportunities to capitalize on centering-pass after centering-pass. We kept the pressure on their defense and the ball on their end for about 90% of the time. Our ultimate scoring machine (Nat) posted a hat-trick for the day. Other goal-scorers were: Dana - 1, Pete - 1, and Matt - 1. Great job team!

Does Kate look bored here? She didn't have much to do the first half.....and that's the way we like it!

It seems as though we had a commanding enough lead throughout most of the game that everyone was relaxed.....maybe too relaxed.....(wouldn't you like to have a beer in your hand right now?)

And everyone seemed to have a good time, except the refereee.....where's that confounded referee.....

Until the playoffs - ciao!

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